Friday, May 20, at 9 a.m. at San Juan Fire Station in Friday Harbor

— from Ingrid Gabriel, Council Clerk —

The County Council and Planning Commission will hold a special meeting for a Workshop/Public Hearing of the Comprehensive Plan update. The meeting will be held at the San Juan Fire Station, 1011 Mullis Street in Friday Harbor.

Before the hearing, the Planning Commission will meet at 8:30 a.m. if needed. WA

The County is required to complete a periodic update of its Comprehensive Plan by June 30, 2018, to comply with the State’s Growth Management Act. The purpose of this hearing is to take public testimony on a draft public participation plan, analysis of the State update checklists, and contents of the project update that will be the basis for the development of a project scope of work.

The update project will include updates to the Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Land use maps, and development regulations in the Unified Development Code.