— from San Juan County Communications —

The draft Land Capacity Analysis Methodology and the 2nd Draft Housing Needs Assessment are available for public review. Presentations on these documents [were] live-streamed at the following briefings:

    • County Council: October 16, 2017
    • Planning Commission: October 20, 2017

For more information click here  for Housing and here for Land Capacity.

October Draft Housing Needs Assessment
To encourage early and continuous public participation a preliminary draft of the HNA was released in August. Many helpful comments and suggestions are incorporated into the second draft. The draft was substantially updated. A list of changes is attached to the briefing transmittal memo.
The next draft of the San Juan County HNA following this briefing will provide the foundation upon which the Comprehensive Plan Housing Element goals, policies and strategic actions will be updated. It will also influence the update of goals and policies in other elements of the Comprehensive Plan.

Land Capacity Analysis Methodology
Conducting a land capacity analysis is an important step in determining how and what growth can be accommodated through the year 2036. It will help us determine if the County’s land supply aligns with the 2036 population growth projection, evaluate the development potential of rural and natural resource lands, and determine whether the County will have sufficient developable land to meet the GMA housing goal. Review and approval of the methodology is the first step.
Public Comments: We welcome public comments. How to Comment:

  • Mark-up a copy of the section needing revisions or additions, or
  • Send specific written comments to DCD such as: Page X, Line X should read XXXXX.
  • Send Comments: To compplancomments@sanjuanco.com, or
  • Drop them off at DCD, 935 Rhone Street, FH, or
  • Mail them to:

SJC Dept. of Community Development,
Attn. Linda Kuller, Housing Needs Assessment or Land Capacity Analysis
PO Box 947, Friday Harbor, WA 98250