Warm Valley Farms is the top prize-winner in the Orcas Chamber of Commerce 2012 Community Parade

From the Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce

Top Parade Entry – receives $100 from Island Market – Warm Valley Orchard. “Since 1990 Warm Valley Orchard’s lambs, sheep and goats have entertained locals and visitors as they drive onto the island. Our farm products include pork, goat meat, lamb sausage, vegetables and fruit. Our studio products include handmade yarns & textiles.

Runner Up – $50 gift certificate from Island Market – Red Rabbit Farm – “Farm to Table”. Bruce Orchid driving his favorite 1967 GMC farm truck. By his side, wife Christina, Orcas Island’s first celebrity chef and pioneer in the farm-to-table sustainable agriculture movement. They live and work at Red Rabbit Farm in West Sound, still after 30 years gathering, growing, and cooking for the people.

Runner Up – $50 gift certificate from Island Market – Orcas Fur & Feathers 4H Club – Orcas Fur & Feathers 4H club is excited for the San Juan County Fair August 15-18. Members will enter chickens, rabbits, dogs, sheep, swine and a steer. Open class entries for all San Juan County residents.