As cases spike dramatically in San Juan County, Washington and the United States, we would like to urge islanders to scale back their holiday plans.

Over recent months, we’ve been able to enjoy a slow reopening of our islands. Restaurants, gatherings, shops, gyms, and most recently schools have all made slow progress towards returning to a limited version of normal.

Those gains are now at risk, and the prospect of upcoming holiday travel is looming as an even greater threat to the health and livelihood of our community.

We urge all islanders to stay local and keep your holiday gatherings small. Now is not the time to host family from across the state or beyond. Now is not the time to gather indoors with those from outside your household. Now is not the time to leave the islands to visit others. And now is certainly not the time to get on an airplane.

Now is the time to keep it simple and local, mask up, and protect our community and those most at risk.

Stay healthy, stay home. Regards,

Eric Webb
Superintendent, Orcas Island Schools

Fred Woods
Superintendent, San Juan Island Schools

Mark Tompkins
Director, San Juan County Health

Jennifer Swanson
Superintendent, Shaw Island School

Dr. Dale Heisinger
Chair, San Juan County Board of Health

Travis Ayers
President, Luxel Corporation

Sandy Bishop
Executive Director, Lopez Comm. Land Trust

Brian Auckland
Superintendent, Lopez Island Schools

Jamie Stephens
San Juan County Council

Adam Eltinge
Owner, Island Petroleum Services

Jack Estrada
Interim Chief Admin. Officer, Peace Island Med. Ctr.

Kai Sanburn
Lopez Island

Mike Thomas
Manager, San Juan County

Duncan Wilson
Administrator, Town of Friday Harbor

Victoria Compton
Executive Direct., SJC Economic Dev. Council

Christa Campbell
Lopez Island Recovery Network

Brent Snow
General Manager, Roche Harbor Resort

Laurie Orton
Director, San Juan Island Library

Dr. Frank James
Health Officer, San Juan County

Todd Nicholson
Director, Port of Friday Harbor

Deborah Hopkins
Executive Director, SJI Visitors’ Bureau

Rick Hughes
Chair, San Juan County Council

Brendan Cowan
San Juan County Emergency Management

Jacob Linnes
Manager, Orcas Island Market

Phil Heikkinen
Director, Orcas Island Library

Bill Watson
San Juan County Council

Iris Graville
President, Lopez Island Hospital District

Anne Presson
Superintendent, Orcas and Lopez Public Hosp. Districts