Monday, June 6, 6:30 – 8 p.m., Emmanuel Parish Hall

— from Sharon Abreu —

Choirherence is in the process of being born on Orcas Island, under the direction of Michael Hurwicz and Sharon Abreu.

We’ll sing from 6:30-8:00, with some optional extra activities afterwards. All 12 gatherings will be at the Emmanuel Parish Hall, 242 Main Street in Eastsound.

Choirherence is a project of our nonprofit, Irthlingz Arts-Based Environmental Education. Participation is free, donations welcome.

We are creating:

  • A non-auditioned community choir welcoming all voices,  singing an eclectic mix of short multi-part songs from near and far.
  • A place and time to practice heart-centered connection and appreciation.
  • An opportunity to practice Nonviolent Communication (NVC) for those who wish to stay for a bit after each singing session.

Our inspirations are:

    • Joyful Earth Choir, PT Songlines, and other choirs in the Ubuntu tradition
    • The Connection Practice and its originator, Rita Marie Johnson. (We are certified Connection Practice trainers.)

We believe in heart-centered connection through singing. We also foster connection to self and others through a few minutes of heart-focused breathing and appreciation at the beginning of each gathering. (This technique, called Quick Coherence™, was developed by HeartMath.) Finally, we believe that we can foster connection through how we express ourselves, and that NVC provides some helpful hints (not rules!) on how we can do that.


Uniting our voices in harmony, we create a sense of belonging that nourishes our hearts and connects us deeply to one another.

We believe that everyone can sing and that singing together is our birthright, regardless of musical background.

We believe that through sharing the joy of our mingled voices, we can glory in diversity, bridge differences, and celebrate one another as we are.

No singing experience is required – just a desire to sing together in harmony. We sing for the delight it brings us, in an atmosphere that is fun, relaxed, and accepting. We are not affiliated with any other group, including any religion or spiritual group.


Generally we will use call-and-response to learn songs, as opposed to sheet music or written words. We will choose songs that you can weave into your daily life, and take home to share with your friends and family.


We are philosophically aligned with the Ubuntu Choir Network, a global community of choirs who believe that the joy of singing is a universal birthright, and that together, regardless of musical background, we can help improve the world by joining voices in song. Ubuntu is a Zulu word, meaning “I am because we are.” In this spirit, Ubuntu choirs seek to create a world in which we listen deeply to those around us, celebrate diversity, trust in our voices and bring them forward on behalf of harmony, peace, and beauty.

For more information about Choirherence, visit or give us a call at 5773.