Food Masters Presents “Growing Dry Beans, Grains and Other Winter Storage Crops In Your Backyard” with Krista Rome, founder of Bellingham’s Backyard Beans and Grains Project:

The workshop will take place this Sunday March 18, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at t the Oddfellows Hall. Participants are asked to bring a dish for the Potluck Lunch.

Learner Limbach, FoodMasters organizer, says, “This is possibly the most important set of knowledge one can learn in the quest to eat more locally. Enhance your pantry — and your life — by learning the basics of growing your own storable staple crops.

“We’ll discuss variety selection, planting, maintenance, harvest, threshing, storage, and cooking methods for growing dry legumes, grains, and seed crops. We will also discuss how to grow and store some of the more traditional fall and winter vegetable crops such as potatoes, beets, parsnips, carrots, turnips, cabbage and alliums.

“Low tech preservation such as fermentation, root cellaring, and in-the-ground storage are also fair game for this discussion. This workshop is intended for gardeners of all levels, with an emphasis on low-tech methods and hand tools.

“Cost of the workshop is $20.  Work trade options available upon inquiry.Please note that these donations are collected in order to pay teachers a modest wage and enable Food Masters to continue to provide quality classes in an on-going basis.”

Donations can be cash or check and are tax deduct-able. Checks must be made out to the Funhouse/Commons and designated “for Food Masters workshop”.

Questions? Contact Learner Limbach or 376-4048