In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate and highlight our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to again offer daily poetry during April.

In The News

— by Carla Stanley —

William’s book has been found
somewhere he left it to centuries ago
pages flew and took up with actors
made up
boxed masquerade Pandora loves to open
richly dressed words and people out of Bill’s mind
play stages
audio visual aid lemonade so rich and real we drink it still today
the world is full on Bard fuel
this just in
France says thanksmay we keep the folio Romeo?

Beautiful Is Most Unfinished

— by Carla Stanley–

proper name
gave symbol
and sane
etched in stone minds the eye
in the find are words under
glass lead heavy
decades five in wisdom
darken the light
some alien good forces
the mark a name
in stone

Winter On Dolphin Bay
Dolphin Bay On Winter

— by Carla Stanley —

Crowded llamas stand cold still
wings beat their air thin
near the farm where maple rocks rest
sheep test the soil for spring groaning

the winds breath – how hard it blows their minds