— from Ingrid Gabriel, County Council Clerk —

[Following standard meeting opening activities, including

  • New employee introductions;
  • Approval of minutes, consent agenda and correspondence;
  • Recogniton of Sage Macleod, retiring after almost 17 years of service to San Juan County;
    Certificate of Appreciation for Melissa Johnson, Washington State Department of
    Transportation – Ferries Division;
  • and citizens’ access time;

the agenda for the Council Meeting at the Eastsound Fire Hall on Tuesday, Sept. 15 is as follows, scheduled at 11 a.m.:]

1) ACTION: Set September 29 for a Public Hearing on Lease with Washington Department of Transportation, Ferries Division – Mike Thomas, County Manager

2) PRESENTATION: Eastsound Planning & Review Update- Greg Ayers, Chair; Sam Gibboney, Director Community Development

3) DISCUSSION: Orcas Recycling Services (ORS) and Exchange Update – Pete Moe, ORS Chair

4) DISCUSSION: Orcas School District Update – Eric Webb, Orcas Island School District Superintendent

5) DISCUSSION: Deer Harbor Planning & Review Committee Update – Wes Heinmiller, DHPRC Chair

6) DISCUSSION: Orcas Public Works Projects Update – Brian Vincent, Director Public Works

    • Manager Update: Mike Thomas, County Manager
    • Council Clerk Update: Ingrid Gabriel, Clerk
      a. Review Agendas & Council Calendar Items
      b. Advisory Committee Appointments/ Reappointments:• Consideration by Council, per Ordinance 5-2013, of defacto resignation of Fair Board members, Don Burt Jr. and Ian Patterson
  • Noon RECESS (time approximate)
  • 2:30 p.m. ADJOURN (time approximate)
  • 3 p.m.COUNCIL FIELD TRIP: Orcas Recycling Services


This agenda is subject to change. Discussion items may be added at the discretion of the Council Chair. If there is a change in location, the alternative meeting location will be visibly posted at the location indicated above. Public Hearings will not start earlier than the posted time. Times listed on the agenda for other items are approximate and are provided as a rough guide to aid in planning. Agenda items are subject to change in content and order.