— by Rebecca Cook —

Libby Cook last summer in Inderøy, Norway

Libby Cook last summer in Inderøy, Norway

Libby had a ‘blister aneurism.’ Minuscule but in her case potentially deadly. She had two falls last Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving) and by Sunday was escorted to Island Hospital where they sent her to Swedish Hospital, Cherry Hill. There was an angiogram which detected the aneurism. A group of doctors decided the best course of events was surgery and so it was. They went underneath the brain and ‘clipped’ the blister, saw a blood clot as well as bleeding. In the end, the lead doctor said that technically the surgery was excellent and there was a strong probably that the surgery had saved her life; the aneurism could have potentially been fatal if left unattended.

Whew! Who knew? Certainly not Libby nor any one else for that matter.

Libby is now in a ‘general’ room at Swedish Hospital. She has improved greatly but will still be there for at least a week, possibly longer. So many of her friends have asked after her, wanting to know what they can do to help Libby. Several friends have donated their time feeding her horses, organizing her finances and such—and a big shout out to those folks! There will be several things she will need once she has come home.

Firstly she will need some care. I will be with her initially but can’t stay much past a week, so she will need looking after. Just what that entails will be determined by her healing process and current needs. Those who are interested in assisting some how on that level, please PM me (Rebecca Cook on Facebook). Once I figure what is needed, I can get back to you.

The second big thing will be some financial assistance during her recovery. Since she is self-employed with a smallish social security stipend and won’t be able to do her normal strenuous types of work right now, or for possibly months, she needs some financial assistance. Several people have suggested I open an account for donations and I have done that.

If you wish to donate funds to help Libby, you can go into any KeyBank and deposit those funds to: Libby Cook Contribution Account. The money will go directly into the account and she will have immediate access to it. If there are no KeyBanks near your part of the world, you can mail a check to me and I will gladly deposit it for her. (PM me for contact info.)

Once again I can’t express how much all the prayers and well wishing have helped in this difficult time. Libby is extremely grateful for all you have done. Your kindness has been wonderful, believe me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

[While Libby is in the hospital even friendly phone calls aren’t all that conducive to rest and recuperation. Personally, I want her to sleep, rest, eat, rest, take a few calls, see a few people, rest, eat, rest, eat, rest and rest some more. Brain injuries are tricky and it takes some time for everything to straighten out. She may sound alert and ‘there’ (and she is sometimes) but sometimes gets confused and mixes things up. That is a result of the disruption the surgery and aneurism caused. So if you want to call her, do, but please remember that her condition is essentially delicate and she may not be clear. Right now it’s one day at a time.