It could perhaps go without saying that the biggest story I played a part in covering this year has been the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It seems important to emphasize the ‘played a part’ portion of the preceding sentence. Much of the information about the local COVID situation that appeared in the media was provided by the County, and Brendan Cowan in particular, with his often excellent Hot Topics as well as regular updates on the number and location of cases in the County.

The story I take the most satisfaction in having worked on was my July 30 interview with Dr. Frank James. Dr. James has served as the public health officer in San Juan County since the early 1990s. In my view, all of us in the County have benefited greatly from his knowledge and experience during this time. The interview was wide-ranging and it was apparent throughout the discussion that Dr. James was being open and honest in his responses to my questions.

I would be remiss to not point out, as Dr. James often does, that the County’s response has been a team effort all the way through. Many thanks to all who have played a part in that over the course of the last nine months.