Saturday, March 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Funhouse Commons, 30 Pea Patch Lane in Eastsound

Pete Moe, The Funhouse Commons Executive Director, announces The Island Enterprise Lab at the Funhouse Commons is hosting a workshop on “Cooperative businesses –or co-ops– what they are, how they work.”

Professional co-op developers from the Northwest Cooperative Development Center in Olympia will be leading this workshop from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., including a catered lunch (reservations required for food).

The workshop, scheduled for this Saturday, is free, Lunch is provided by the Asian Kitchen for $10, by reservation only. Call The Funhouse Commons at 376-7177 for reservations and more information or plan to bring a bag lunch.

Moe says, “Lunch recess will be brief and we want to resume at 1:00 sharp so travel to town for food will be difficult.”

There will also be time slots in the afternoon for groups interested in private counseling for their own prospective co-op ideas. Contact Michael Greenberg at to sign up for these very limited times.

Moe says, “Thanks to Michael Greenberg and The Exchange for helping to set this up! The co-op model makes a lot of sense when you take a hard look at the future of sustainable solid waste management on Orcas.