Katie Curlett and Joe Ciskowski observe County Planner Shannon Fitzgerald as she describes stormwater schematics

The Eastsound Planning Review Committee will hold an Open House on Thursday, Nov. 18 from 4 to 6 pm at Eastsound Fire Hall.

EPRC board members and county staff will discuss:

  • What you want to be changed in Eastsound
  • Mount Baker road project and Trail
  • Mount Property Stormwater Treatment constructed wetland
  • On street parking plan for Eastsound
  • Draft sign ordinance to regulate sandwich-boards
  • Housing needs study
  • Critical Areas Ordinance and the Urban Growth Area boundaries

There will also be a checklist of what is required to get a permit in Eastsound/San Juan County.

For a quick video background of EPRC and its 2010 priorities go to: www.youtube.com/watch

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