from Vaughn Ploeger, Port Captain OIYC

Orcas Yacht Club's new storage building.

Orcas Yacht Club’s new storage building.

Over the last 57 years of the Orcas Island Yacht Club (OIYC) several changes have occurred to the West Sound property. The most recent was a result of a partnership with Sail Orcas, with the mission of providing adequate storage for the Junior Sailing Program boats, sails and equipment. Orcas Island Yacht Club committed to this project which took the last two years to accomplish. The finished project also included a facelift to the original Picnic Shelter. Local residents have expressed their approval of the design and appearance.

In 1956 the OIYC was founded in West Sound as a place for adults and their children to come and play on the water in West Sound. In 1997, the first Junior Sailors formed an organized sailing group. OIYC provided the “old apple shed,” a small structure on the property as a building to house the Junior Sailors boats and equipment.

Over the years the Junior Sailing Program became very active and successful. As their boats and equipment became much more expensive, the small “shed” became old and dilapidated, unable to safely store these items. For several years the OIYC members have had to store the expensive sails and equipment in their homes, garages and often in a friends hangar. Over the time span of years, OIYC attempted to restore/rebuild the “apple shed.” This proved to be a good idea that could not come to fruition. Orcas Island Yacht Club, as stewards of the property, are also stewards of the oldest known Indian Village in the San Juan Islands. It was discovered that any changes to buildings (old and/or new) must first be approved by the First Nation Tribes, Museums, Geologists and Archaeologists.

Orcas Island Yacht Club and Sail Orcas wish to convey a big “Thank you” to all the local businesses and volunteers, and volunteers of OIYC and Sail Orcas who so graciously gave their time, energy and expertise to make this a possibility: Island Hardware, Sea Island Sand and Gravel, Woodsong Construction, Rick Egger, West Sound Marina, Mike and Mariah Buck, John Campbell, Architect who donated untold hours and held it all together for 2 years. John MacLeod (past Commodore), Chris White (incoming Commodore), Wes Heinmiller (present Commodore),Betsy Wareham,Burke Thomas, Gary Renzelman, Diane Jarecki (Treasurer), ALL the OIYC members who toiled all weekend on the Work Party Event in April and ALL the support of the all OIYC and Sail Orcas Members. WE DID IT !!!

Sail Orcas is a volunteer-based, non profit organization who continue to serve our community, offering sailing programs. The High School Sailing Team with 20 sailors on the spring roster in 2012 became an official, lettered school club sport, with a sailing pennant hanging in their gymnasium.

Please do come by and see the results, a new fresh look to the area providing many more years of water pleasure to sailors of all ages, young and old alike who know the joy of playing on the water! Newcomers welcome.