Saturday, March 8, 1-3 p.m., Orcas Library

Writing the Past Alive: Expressing Your Creativity Through Memoir Writing

— JoEllen Moldoff, Facilitator —

The writer of a memoir takes us back to a corner of his or her life that was unusually vivid or intense…” William Zinnser

Your life is a story only you can tell—whether you are writing a memoir, a family history, or a collection of your experiences.

In this session of the Writers Roundtable, we will read and discuss examples of memoir, and use prompts to get started on new stories from your past—about the people, places and events in your life that have been meaningful for you.

If you have a memoir in progress, you are invited to share a brief excerpt of your work.

Autobiographia Literaria

When I was a child
I played by myself in a
corner of the schoolyard
all alone.

I hated dolls and I
hated games, animals were
not friendly and birds
flew away.

If anyone was looking
for me I hid behind a
tree and cried out “I am
an orphan.”

And here I am, the
center of all beauty!
writing these poems!

Frank O’Hara