Wednesday May 15 at 10 a.m. at Orcas Center

By Jan Jacobson

The Orcas Island Garden Club meeting on May 15, 2013, at 10:00 a.m., in the Madrona Room of Orcas Center, will look into worm composting.  Kristina Bayas is the Volunteer Coordinator for WSU Master Gardener Program.   Kristina will teach us the basics for making, placing and starting our own worm bin.  Worm bins are suitable for anyone, whether you live in a condo or a house with acreage.   They can also be easy to make.

Worms can eat their weight every day.  In an acre of land, there can be over one million earth worms.  Worms tunnel deeply and bring subsoil to the surface, mixing it with topsoil.    The worms secrete slime which contains nitrogen, an important nutrient for plants.   Provided with food scraps, the worms make beautiful, rich compost for the garden.

For more information see