From the Northwest Natural Resource Group

Northwest Certified Forestry invites the public to a forest management workshop on Saturday, March 2 in Eastsound at the Orcas Senior Center, 62 Henry Road.

The morning seminar will go from 9 am to 12 pm and provide an overview of the history and ecology of forests in the San Juans, as well as management options for the most common issues facing forest owners.

Lindsay Malone, Director of Member Services said, “The afternoon field tour will visit three forests with recent management activity. The tour begins at 1 p.m. and will likely end around 5 p.m., folks can join for as long they have time.” For more information about this workshop, check out the attached flier or go to san-juan-forest-management-workshop/

Peggy Bill, San Juan County Agricultural Resources Coordinator, said, “This will be an excellent workshop for those already involved in some aspect of our forest industry. NNRG will also be preparing a directory of forest producers, loggers, forest consultants, and businesses that mill, utilize or sell local forest products.  Please contact Peggy Bill  at  if you are interested in being part of the Directory.
“This is a important opportunity to strengthen and build our local forest industry.”
Register today for the March 2nd workshop by either completing an on-line registration form at here or by contacting Kirk Hanson at 360-316-9317 or