Live Theatre returns to Center Stage in the first production of 2022: Pride and Prejudice! Running March 10 – 19, Pride and Prejudice is a delightful romantic comedy based on the book by Jane Austen who brings sparkling characters to life with blazing wit.

The play concentrates on Mrs. Bennet’s determination to get her daughters married. Jane, Elizabeth (Lizzie) and Lydia are likely-looking girls in a period when a woman’s one possible career is matrimony. To be a wife was success. Anything else was failure. But, Lizzie’s heart is her primary decision maker. Fearless, funny and utterly irresistible, she’ll catch the fancy of more than one gentleman before the evening’s out!

With couples to cheer for (and against), and the pluckiest heroine ever to ignore her mother’s romantic advice, Pride and Prejudice is the ultimate Rom-Com, blending the elements of romance, irony, and comedy that transcends time.

Pride and Prejudice is directed by Dorrie Braun staring an all-local cast. Advanced ticket sales only – No door sales. Ticket prices range from $15-$47. COVID precautions will be followed, call 360-376-2281 ext 1, or visit www.orcascenter.org for tickets and more information.