by Cara Russell

Local business owners take a break to schmooze and network and just have fun. Photo: Cara Russell

Local business owners take a break to schmooze and network and just have fun. Photo: Cara Russell

The theme was Volunteer for Success, and the Beach House at Rosario Resort was packed Wednesday evening October 23 for the Annual Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce mixer. “This is truly an impressive turnout,” said Lance Evans, Executive Director.

Michell Marshall said goodbye after three and a half years as President of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce—and welcomed new President, Susan Gudgell. Marshall took the opportunity to say thank you once more to everyone.

Two shoulder season events were announced at the popular annual meeting:

  • The third annual Shakespeare Festival in the spring: Robert Hall spoke about the festival for 2014. “It’ll be interactive … and we’re going to focus on the Elizabethan Period,” said Hall. Hall would like to hear from the community. If you have any questions, or suggestions email Hall.
  • NEW Birdfest: Avian Artist and Ornithologist Kim Middleton talked about this new event. “It is a festival for islanders to come together and learn about birds and the environment.

Three volunteers were recognized—Jennifer Pietsch, Veronica San Martin, and Marilyn McGuire. Pietsch, manager of the Farmers Market; San Martin, owner of Orcas Events; and ,McGuire, founder Nautilus Book Awards. Marshall thanked them for their willingness to help, each in her own unique way saying, “What can I do to help you?”

A ‘Trash Buster Award’ was awarded to Rick Hughes, Jeff Hansen, and two students from the Salmonberry School, members of the community who went above and beyond in looking after the local environment. Hughes crafted a trash receptical, in town.
Three local businesses and organizations were presented with specific awards for their contribution to island life:

  • Community Service Award to Island Market.
  • Environmental Award to the SeaDoc Society.
  • Island Friendly Spirit Award to Mijitas.