For those not familiar with the purpose of the upcoming Totem Pole journey that is making a stop on Orcas tomorrow, Kim Seconda has provided some important background on the meaning of this journey.

It’s all about the Apache war against copper mining at Oak Flats, a patch of ground that for many centuries has played a fundamental role in the culture of Western Apache tribes, including the San Carlos Apache. Countless generations have used the site for religious and coming-of-age ceremonies and have gathered medicinal plants and acorns from its majestic oaks.

For historical background, also watch https://youtu.be/yLXnk4kWyoo.

House of Tears Carvers will be visiting our library this Thursday at 3:30 where they will make a presentation related to their journey down to California to bring awareness to an important appellate court case attempting to protect a sacred Native American site.

In addition to the visit at the library, earlier that afternoon at 2:00, they will be down at the end of Haven Road by Madrona Point for a blessing ceremony. All are welcome.