— from Jacob Heinen for San Juan County Public Works —

The MSE (mechanically-stabilized earth) wall has been built up from elevation 22 to 37—only seven feet to go! The wall has now bridged the two sides of the culvert, connecting what had been a bisected construction site. On Friday conduit was placed in the roadway in preparation for the utility relocation.

Public Works decided to forego the vegetated wall face of the MSE wall to ensure structural stability and even compaction. We’ll be exploring other options for vegetation, but there will be plantings at the base of the wall.

The project is on scheduled to be completed on time with the roadway opened up by mid-November.

Next week’s focus will be on completing the wall. The following week will see installation of guardrails over the ravine and placement of catch basins and drainage pipe. Additionally, the final loads of streambed cobbles will be placed and graded, allowing us to open up West Beach Creek.

Thanks to the West Beach community for their continued patience. Three weeks to go!