— from the Center for Whale Research —

Another blessed event for the Southern Resident Killer Whales

Another blessed event for the Southern Resident Killer Whales

L103 has a new calf! Yesterday [Dec. 5] we just confirmed the seventh new calf in the past 12 months. L103 has her first known calf, designated L123!

The calf was first spotted mid-November, but we were not able to confirm it until yesterday. We are very excited about the SRKW [Southern Resident Killer Whale] baby boom, but it is now more important than ever to remember that the more whales we have the more salmon they will need.

With all these new mouths to feed it is crucial to focus on Chinook salmon habitat restoration. Removal of the lower Snake River Dams is just one of the many ways to address the issue. Check out our website for more ways you can help the whales by helping the salmon. Become a CWR Member, and support SRKW conservation and the continued monitoring of all these new babies! www.whaleresearch.com