Saturday, February 23, 7 p.m., Orcas Grange

— from Samara Shaw —

“We Have 1 Foundation” presents “Release!” Orcas Island dance celebration with DJ/Producer – Kwaku, and Singing/Music/Movement Improvisational Jam with Samara Shaw at the Grange, February 23 and every 2nd and 4th Saturday thereafter.

  • 7-9 p.m. Community Sound Healing Circle (Sound/Movement/Song Jam) with Samara- Please bring healing tools and instruments to share! Children Welcome.
  • 9 p.m. – ??? Intentional Dance Celebration with DJ Kwaku and Friends
  • Tickets: $7-$20 sliding scale. Anything over $20 will go, for the first two events, to Cierra Lutz, a young Local island musician/artist/DJ producer.

Every other month, We Have 1 Foundation will alternate sponsorship. One month, a young local Artist/Entrepeneur and the next, an Elder/Artist/Entrepeneur/Wisdomkeeper. February and March will be dedicated to Cierra Lutz, a young Local island musician/artist/DJ producer. More info: See us on Facebook:

About the Producers:

DJ KWAKU “THERON” — A native of Detroit raised in Los Angeles is a 2nd generation DJ. Kwaku “THERON” has been the underground’s underground DJ, always moving about and taking on different aliases with only the music speaking as his voice. He now embarks on the next chapter of a musical journey that will see him come from behind the shadows.

Catch him if you can as you never know when he will vanish and again dive back into the depths of the underground.

SAMARA SHAW — Screenwriter/Playwright/Producer/Director, Sound Healer, Ceremonialist. Gatherings, Conferences, Films, Shows, Music and Events that help to further a Sustainable Future.

Samara brings like minded people together to develop, share, and manifest their visions for a positive future: She Loves Supporting Local Artists, Musicians, Healers, Scientists, Visionaries, and Eco-preneures as they network, and in turn, support each other.


We Have 1 Foundation supports and encourages products, services, businesses and art that lead towards greater and greater sustainability at the Local, State, National and Global Levels.

Through Media, Arts, Education, Film, and Events, We Have 1 Foundation, encourages and supports local green and sustainable businesses and non profits, as well as those who want to start and build a green and/or beneficial business or non-profits.