Here at BullWings, we have heard complaints about Christmas music already being played on radio stations and in stores. It’s sad when this beautiful, happy music becomes repetitious and anxiety-producing, especially as we first consider the blessings and celebration  of hard work, harvest and Thanksgiving.

We learned at a statewide conference last week a simple practice for relieving stress and building resiliency, the ability to “bounce back” when adversity faces us:

1.Stop whatever you’re doing

2. Set a timer (your brain is a timer) for one minute

3. Say, “I’m thankful for…”

4. Listen to yourself.

Sounds simplistic, but challenge yourself to see if it works for you!

From ancient times, people have set aside a time to give thanks and enjoy the harvest of their labors. We are grateful to live in a community where  “paying it forward,” honoring the natural world and sharing our gifts and celebrations come before the profit motive and wealth accumulation.

Because BullWings: Orcas Issues wants to fully engage in the practice of gratitude this week, we will hold announcements of Christmas activities until after Thanksgiving.

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