Saturday, May 7 at 1 p.m. at Emmanuel Church

— from Nancy Ayer —

Walk the Emmanuel Church labyrinth for peace on Saturday at 1 p.m.

Walk the Emmanuel Church labyrinth for peace on Saturday at 1 p.m.

Thousands walk in a moving meditation for Peace on World Labyrinth Day.

What do you call the journey of a thousand footsteps that winds up exactly where it began? The answer lies in the labyrinth, an ancient archetype recently re-discovered as a walking path of prayer and meditation.

* Be part of a rolling wave of peaceful energy as the earth turns!
* Walk a labyrinth at 1 p.m. in your time zone or as time allows.

The Labyrinth in Eastsound is located behind the white fence on Main Street in the gardens of Emmanuel Church. For more information on the labyrinth, please take a free brochure on the building next to the labyrinth.