From The Exchange Board of Directors and Executive Director

The Exchange is working diligently with the County on finalizing the contract for operating the Orcas Island Transfer Station. The expected date for the hand-off from the County to The Exchange is April 30th. We anticipate posting two positions – Scalehouse Attendant and Transfer Station Attendant – in the next week or so.

The community is clearly missing the opportunity for reuse; we are with you and are doing everything we can to get this capacity back on-line. Offers of time, treasure and talent continue to pour in. We are cataloging these offers systematically; you can add your name to the list by posting a comment or sending a private message to us via Facebook or by email: or If you are interested in making a financial donation to this effort, you can do so via the Orcas Island Community Foundation – – by designating the Exchange Phoenix Fund.

We are still waiting for a Demolition Permit from the County. Once we obtain this permit, we’ll get the site cleaned up and will be able to move forward. One possible scenario we are discussing is clearing the lower area (currently occupied by windows) for a temporary structure, while the upper area is reconfigured. We are also considering a “consensus” design process for the permanent structure for the upper area, much like the process used to design the Stage On The Green.

Please keep the ideas, positive energy and support headed our way!

Thank you.