From Sam Gibboney, San Juan County Solid Waste Administrator

Update on the status of the transition of solid waste services,  by island:

Orcas Island

Despite the fire at the Exchange, plans for the transition of operations to Orcas Recycling Services are moving forward. The County Council has scheduled a public hearing for this contract for April 23rd.

Mark DeTray, Executive Director, has this to say:

Demolition Permit
Orcas Recycling Services (ORS) is working with the San Juan County Public Works Department and Community Development & Planning to fine-tune the demolition permit for cleaning up the debris from the recent fire that consumed the reuse building at the Orcas Island Transfer Station. All parties are working together diligently to get the permit details worked out and approved as soon as possible. ORS has made all of the arrangements for getting the cleanup work done once the permit is in place.The County Council has agreed to allow ORS to dispose of debris at a discounted rate. With the completion of this work, ORS and Public Works will collaborate on formulating a clear and mutually-agreeable strategy for getting a reuse space back on line at the OITS.

Contract Negotiations
The contract negotiations between San Juan County and Orcas Recycling Services for ORS operation of the Orcas Island Transfer Station (OITS) are proceeding in a constructive, collaborative and positive tone. The date for the hand-off of OITS operations from the County to ORS has yet to be determined, but is currently anticipated for sometime late spring or early summer.

The Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District has been in operation since January 1st. The County is fiinishing the Inter-Local Agreement and final terms should be arrived at within weeks. We expect that the agreement will be ready for County Council approval and signature in late April or early May.

San Juan Island
Contract negotiations between San Juan County, the Town of Friday Harbor and KenTec USA/Lautenbach Industries are in process. The County Council has scheduled a public hearing of the contract for May 7th.