Four top sellers  (In back row — l to r:  Sabrina Bailey and Madison Todd.  Front row:  Millie Kau and Jefferson Freeman)

From Janet Brownell

The Orcas Island Education Foundation (OIEF) is pleased to announce that the OISD school library will be re-opening, possibly as soon as Monday, October 8.   A combination of wrapping paper sales, direct donations, and funding from the OISD School Board will allow the library to open initially for four days a week, for 3 to 5 hours a day.

The wrapping paper sale was a huge success.  Gross sales were around $14,000, with OIEF netting about $6,500.  The top sellers were all in the elementary school: Jefferson Freeman (Grade 1), Sabrina Bailey (Grade 6), Millie Kau (Grade 6) – and the number one seller Madison Todd (Grade 4).  Madison and Sabrina TIED for the #1 position.  Together they sold almost $2,000 in wrapping paper sales!

At the September 27 school board meeting, Scott Lancaster made a motion that the district also add $10,000 to funding the library.  The motion was passed unanimously.

In addition to the wrapping paper, OIEF received direct donations (to date) of over $9,000.  That brings contributions to opening the library to more than $15,000!  And donations are still coming in.

According to OIEF President Janet Brownell, “It is overwhelming to see how our community responds to needs at the school.  And to all of the students, parents, neighbors, friends, grandparents, aunts and uncles who helped to re-open the library by selling and buying:  wrapping paper, eggs, blondies, pears or like Trevor Faulkner who gave his allowance and asked others to match…thank you!”

OIEF had originally pledged $10,000 to the OISD, but with $15,000 currently (and as more donations are received), hours will increase at the library.