United Way Board of San Juan County Members Carol Ann Vincent, Candace Bodenhammer and Jan Titus, and Margie Sabine, Primary Intervention Program Coordinator, work at the Orcas Center on United Way's Day of Caring. Photo courtesy of Damien Stark.
Orcas Islanders turned out on a beautiful — hot!– Indian Summer Day to weed the Orcas Center grounds and the stations along the Vitality Trail circling Buck Park and the school fields.
The county’s United Way fall fundraising campaign is about 10 percent behind where it has been in the past at this mark, having reached 29 percent of this year’s goal, according to Board Member Marty Huleatte. It is possible there will be fewer funds available in this year’s grant cycle as a result.
“Although there was less participation from the grant recipients than we’d hoped for, the sun came out and there were bright shiny faces at work at the Orcas Center and on the Vitality Trail,” said Candace Bodenhammer, United Way Board member for Orcas Island.
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