— from Susan McBain —

Join us on Sunday, Dec. 22 at 3 p.m. (note different time) for our annual Candlelight Service. Howard Barbour will again delight us with his reading of Dylan Thomas’s “A Child’s Christmas in Wales.” We will end by lighting candles and singing Christmas carols.

Children are welcome to attend this service; our storyteller is quite captivating! Coffee and juice will be available. Please bring holiday cookies or treat to share, if you can.

Also, we will be collecting for our Food Bank. Donations of canned food (or a check) are especially needed and appreciated this time of year.

OIUUF generally meets the second and fourth Sundays at 11:30 a.m. in Benson Hall at Emmanuel Church. All are welcome. If you need a ride to the service or have other needs, visit our website (www.orcasislanduu.org) and click on “Contact Us.”