Kid’s Race:  New in 2012!
From Jen Vollmer

Triple Ripple Trail Festival 2010. photo by Martin Taylor:

The Orcas Island Triple Ripple Trail Festival brings a triple-plus celebration of running on beautiful Moran State Park trails, on October 13-14.

Really, three races-in-one?  Heck, yeah!  You can DO it, trail monster!

Moran State Park has some of the most beautiful trail running on the left coast:  80-year-old single-track trails, giant cedars and doug firs, peeling madronas, moss and lichen and ferns, clear lakes and dizzying ocean views. And mid-October is chanterelle season out here.

This race weekend will give you the chance to enjoy Orcas trails in three gears: go-fast, go-up, and go-long.  It’s an ultra in three stages, and you’ll go home walking funny, or we haven’t done our job!  Whether you compete for the triple crown (recommended!) or run just one or two races, we invite you to come join the party and enjoy this special place.

The Races:

Go-Fast: 4 mile Mountain Lake Run:  9AM. Saturday, Oct. 13.  A single loop of beautiful Mountain Lake on single track trails, this will be the flat, fast weekend opener.  If you’ve got some speed, show it off now…

 Go-Up: 10K Uphill Climb: 3PM, Saturday, Oct. 13.  You can’t visit Orcas Island without summitting Mt. Constitution; and you’re going to do it the badass way, of course!  This uphill dandy starts at Camp Moran, circles the south shore of Cascade Lake for a little warm-up, then heads straight uphill for 2.4 miles to the Cold Springs saddle.  Good footing, big vertical, lots of momentum-killing switchbacks.  Aid station at Cold Springs shelter.   The last two miles flatten out slightly as you approach the summit from along the east side cliff.   Look for huge Eastward views of Mt. Baker and the North Cascades.  Finish at the 1930s CCC fire tower on top, where refreshments await.  Rides provided back to the start.

Go-Long: 30K-ish Trail Run: 8AM, Sunday, Oct. 14.  If you loved yesterday, then today will make you weep for joy:  18+ miles of the best unbeaten paths on Mt. Constitution.  You’ll get long ascents and descents through old growth hemlock, Sitka spruce and Douglas fir; get startled by ravens croaking and gurgling over hidden ponds; run by foot-deep moss, and stumble upon giant views of the Strait of Georgia and Puget Sound.  Yup, it’s hilly and hard– but the footing is good, and scores high for run-ability.

Kid’s Race:  New in 2012!  The Funhouse Commons ( will be hosting a 400m-1000m (-ish) kid’s race during the Triple Ripple Trail Festival.  Details still being ironed out.  Stay tuned!

Scoring for The Triple Ripple Trail Monster:  The Triple Ripple Trail Monster will be the runner with the lowest ‘weighted’ total time for all three races.  The 30K counts 1X.  The Uphill Climb counts 2X, and to give the track stars a fighting chance, the 4-miler time will be multiplied by 3.  See website for details.

Awards: Overall and age-group winners will be recognized in individual races.  Last time around, prizes were great organic garlic from Orcas Farm, local soaps from Island Thyme, and local wine from Lopez Island Vineyards.  Grandiose Awards (even more garlic!!) will be presented to Triple Ripple Trail Monsters overall and in age groups.  Most pathos-inducing injury wins the Golden Crutches (not awarded every year!). Age Groups: 17-under, 18-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+

Of course, the Triple Ripple is not just about racing!  It’s about relaxing with friends and recharging your mind!  It’s Orcas Island, after all.  There will be delicious, locally grown food served at the post race dinner.  Diverse, wonderful restaurants are also available should you choose to dine out.   Sparkling Cascade Lake beckons you to soak your legs between races or pick up a paddle and go canoeing (boats provided!).  Or, learn some new ways to relate your mind to your body with a Chi Running workshop.  There’s plenty of mellow stuff to do on Orcas between races– visit the world-famous Bullock permaculture farm, take a tour of the great craftsmen-style Moran Mansion at Rosario Resort, hunt for mushrooms, or go for a sauna/soak at Doe Bay Resort and Retreat.

Camping and Lodging:  You are SO welcome to camp adjacent to the starting area at a beautiful private campsite! Moran State Park has several campgrounds adjacent to Camp Moran.  Southend Camp is closest to race headquarters.  The rustic Mountain Lake campsites are especially beautiful, about 2 miles from Camp Moran/Race HQ at Moran’s Environmental Learning Center.  Obstruction Pass has a few very pretty tent sites on bluff above a rocky beach, walk-in only, about 6 miles from Camp Moran.

In addition, Orcas Island is home to many lovely places to stay, including Doe Bay Resort (8 miles from race HQ), and numerous B&Bs. Check out the Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce website ( for great suggestions.  Due to a scheduling conflict, bunkhouse housing at Camp Moran will NOT be available this year.


Race Entry Fees         Before Sept. 30           Oct. 1 – Oct 13

4 Mile Trail Race                     $20                              $25

10K+ Uphill Climb                  $20                              $25

30K Trail Race                        $40                              $50

ALL THREE RACES!  $70 (save $10!)           $90 (save $10!)

Saturday night party:                $12                              $12

scrumptious hot local food, interesting music, great people!

Included in race entry:  race packet, all festivities including Chi workshop, use of kitchen Friday night, light breakfasts, day pass to park. NOT included: State Park parking pass (WA State Discovery Pass).

Registration: Snail mail registration form available on our website:  Online registration available on UltraSignup.comFees increase after September 30.  Sorry, no refunds. Transfers to other runners OK.  Entrant limit: 200 runners per race.

Contact Information:  Race directors: Jen Vollmer and Susannah Beck.  Email:

Partners: Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce, Orcas Island Park and Recreation District, Orcas Funhouse Commons, USA Track and Field.