First Things First
September 23 – 29, 2013

What a magical week on Orcas Island I had! Thanks to all I came in contact with, whether or not for a reading; you all represent your island so well and it was wonderful to be able to see what has changed and what has been enhanced there. Now I make my way back to my Sonoma home full of good feelings and lots of love from my San Juans and my significant people there.

This week is a pretty good one; Saturn, Pluto and Neptune are all smiling at each other and that’s a really nice thing to have happen since they are the planets that define generations and major life changes/world events. We will all feel the benefit of this auspicious set of aspects.

The end of the week will see the Pluto/Uranus square become a T-Square with the sun moving in and then the Moon taking her place to form a Cardinal Grand Cross. This is two sets of opposing planets making an X inside of a box. It is enormous tension but of the kind that can be beneficial for making strides in terms of initiating something since initiation is the Cardinal signs’ domain (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). We are in incredibly complex times but I can see getting through them through effective networking and action, not just talk. The Grand Cross will help transform the talk to the walk.

Enormous benevolent forces abound and if we focus on and encourage them to grow, they will. At the same time, limits need to be established and honored. Saturn is terrific for that since he rules limits and restrictions. Everything is set for moving ahead and closing the year out; this first brand new cycle of the Mayan calendar that will last another 25,000 plus years. We are babies in this new cycle.

Have a good week, everyone, and keep up the good work!



Libra (September 22 – October 23): Your Ruler Venus finishing her tour of your sector of finances and will be moving into your sector of Thinking/Communicating next week. You will feel her transition this week though. It’s your birthday time so hopefully you’re celebrating yet another successful orbit around the sun and showing that winning smile to all and sundry! This week will culminate in a Cardinal Grand Cross on Friday that will have you scrambling in one way or another through the weekend so hopefully it manifests well for you and you enjoy every moment of it.




Scorpio (October 24- November 22): This is yet another good week for you lucky Keepers of Secrets! Saturn in your sign favors you by trining both Neptune and Jupiter and powerful Venus in your sign is trining Jupiter, so this is a very auspicious time for you. With such strong favor toward the water signs now, you’re set up for whatever goal you want to accomplish and you have what it takes to get there. Your keen skills of observation and your unyielding set of values sets you ahead of the pack now. At the end of the week a Cardinal Grand Cross will help you initiate the next step, so grab your surfboard and catch the wave!




Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): Aggressive Mars in your sector of Expansion is having an argument with Venus in your sector of Endings. This is a power struggle between these two intensely personal planets and you are feeling it. One way of dealing with this is using your internal senses for maneuvering through since water signs feature prominently now and others’ feelings are important in your forward movement. Folks won’t be as forgiving as usual so put on your best behavior and clothes for important meetings and don’t scare the humans! A Cardinal Grand Cross that ends the week will give you that sense of direction you’ve been looking for.




Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Your Ruler Saturn is very favorably aspected right now and you are feeling it! Your feelings are running deeper than normal and you are perhaps participating in functions or gatherings you usually don’t bother with. This will bring you a sense of introspection and wonder as you move through the week. At week’s end we have a Cardinal Grand Cross which may see you expending nervous energy or feeling twitchy so use that to make headway on weekend projects or something you haven’t been able to devote attention to. You’ll feel a lot better.




Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): You may be overwhelmed this week due to a complete lack of available air signs to help you be objective; much attention is going to your sector of Expansion due to Saturn’s strong influence there as well as the presence of powerful Venus. The influences of this week find you equally split between wanting to embrace and wanting to push away so you may feel a bit unbalanced. With Saturn in your sector of Career/Ultimate Potential sending and receiving terrific signals with mysterious Neptune and secretive Pluto, big life changes are afoot and if you can call on your objectivity and ability to research you’ll be just fine. Exciting times!




Pisces (February 21 – March 20): This week sees Saturn exchanging lovely vibes with Pluto and Neptune (your Ruler), all three taking you to a new level since Saturn is involved. Your social circle is widening and the contacts you make now will be critical to you in the coming months and into next year. Be sure to follow up, show up and state your intentions clearly when it’s your turn. Your sign is nebulous since you seek out boundaries of everything around you and attempt to find your own level but now you’re able to jump the banks and have a walkabout. A Cardinal Grand Cross at the end of the week will catapult you into the weekend with a spring in your step and good times!




Aries (March 21- April 19): With the sun opposite your sign, you reach a low point; you may find yourself tired and lacking motivation this week. It happens to every sign when the sun is opposite. What will keep you moving is the T-Square that the sun forms with the Uranus/Pluto square; an influx of energy and stuff that needs to get done will swirl around you so you will likely find yourself kind of overwhelmed about what to tackle first. By the end of the week the Moon will chip in and form a Grand Cross in Cardinal signs and you’ll be manic! Actually it all looks pretty good and you’ll manage what needs to happen since you’re an Aries and you play by your own rules.




Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Saturn and Venus in your opposite sign of Scorpio are still pulling on you to make a move of some kind involving others around you; you may feel frustrated because you don’t have enough information to make a solid decision one way or another but Saturn is helping you enormously. He is in a very harmonious position with Pluto and helping to offset the intensity of conflict, allowing you access to deeper parts of yourself where the truth lives. Listen to that and use it in your decision making. By the end of the week a Grand Cross will trigger an influx of activity and information that will yield exactly what you need to know in the coming weeks and months.



Gemini (May 21- June 20): Your Ruler Mercury is ending his tour of strategic Libra in your sector of Creative Expression/Children. The sun in Libra will continue to feed you the air you need and this time of year sets your mind toward winter festivities and preparations as we withdraw from the warmth of summer. Your sectors of Work/Health, Shared Assets and Career are charged now due to Saturn, Pluto and Neptune being in harmony with each other for any long-term decisions you are making. You have a very busy and creative week coming up so get your lists made that you’ll lose anyway and go merrily out and get stuff done!




Cancer (June 21 – July 22): You’re going along well, with the Saturn/Neptune trine still present. Some things are incredibly easy while others seem to delight in throwing obstacles at you. While this is a good balance in terms of what to be grateful for, the gains and obstacles are mutually exclusive so you may be worrying, which is one of your hallmarks. The end of this week will deliver yet another powerful blast in terms of a Cardinal Grand Cross (and you are a Cardinal sign). Use that power surge to make up for any time you lost this week.




Leo (July 23 – August 22): Energetic Mars in your sign is at odds with powerful Venus in your sector of Home. This may spark domestic squabbles or disagreements over how to get stuff done or decorate or repair. This is a very personal type of square that hits home in a pretty dramatic way and has the potential to get you smoking mad. The good news is that this transit won’t last forever. If you’re the type that would rather have a quiet den than one full of roaring, let it go until next week and focus instead on how far you’ve come. This week will be a busy one and at the end of the week we will have a Cardinal Grand Cross kicking us all into some kind of action. You’ll have to move at a quicker pace at the end of the week so save your energy for that.




Virgo (August 23 – September 21): This will be a fairly gentle week for you with continuing harmony between Saturn in your sector of Thinking/Communication and Neptune in your sector of Relationships. You seem to have your social circle in order and a good flow of supportive folk around you. A beautiful exchange between Venus and Jupiter brings new ideas and inspiration for the coming months as you prepare for the dark winter days; if you are at all engaged in music you’ll have plenty of jam time and play. You gutsy earth mother types will find ways to keep feeding the hungry and gathering protection for all and sundry whether two-legged or four-legged. This weekend will be pretty busy so use the week to stoke your inner fires to meet it.