Tuesday, April 26

Orcas Medical Center Foundation Annual Meeting. Members and non-members alike are welcome to attend the annual meeting of this non-profit organization. There will be a presentation and discussion about the future of health care on Orcas Island, followed by light refreshments, in the Madrona Room at Orcas Center from 3 to 5 p.m.

Eastsound Sewer and Water District meeting at district offices on east side of Airport, at end of Cessna Lane (code posted above entry gate) 4:30 p.m.

Orcas Fire District Commissioners CANCELED meeting atEastsound Fire Hall, 7:30 p.m. Call 376-2331 for more information.

Wednesday, April 28

Sustainable Orcas Island meeting 5:30 p.m. at the Public Library. Call 376-4985 and with Phil for more information.

Thursday, April 28

Orcas Island School Board meeting, 5:30 p.m. at the School library.  Call 376-2284 for more information.

Friday, April 29

Cheri Peters will share her recovery from drug abuse story and insights. 4-6 pm at Orcas Christian School (107 Enchanted Forest Rd, Eastsound)  – community presentation with soup,salad and bread.

The Actors Theater of Orcas Island presents the Sixth Annual local Playwrights’ Festival. Friday-Saturday, April 29 & 30; Friday-Sunday, May 6-8 at the Orcas Grange. All shows at 7:30 p.m. The festival was created to encourage local island talent in writing, acting and directing with a mix of seasoned and new playwrights. The seven short plays have varying themes ranging from time travel to a reunion to a thrilling life threatening encounter.  This family friendly event is $5 for adults and children. Tickets will be available at Darvill’s, at the door and on the web at https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/171228.  No one is ever turned away for inability to pay.

Saturday, April 30

Men’s Breakfast at Orcas Island Community Church 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Fellowship Hall. Come enjoy a great breakfast from our ‘chefs’ Stan Armstrong and Tim Tyree. Commander Dick Wood.  Dick will speak about his experience working with the Long Beach, California Police Department. His talk about “Cops and God” is very inspiring.  Donations accepted. Contact Tom Ritter @ 376-5288 or Rich Petro @ 376-2762.

Maple Rock Farms Annual Plant Sale and Open House. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come get some great plant starts, take a garden tour, have pizza and listen to live music!  The farm is located at 845 Pinneo Road.

Women’s Spring Luncheon at Discovery House Orcas Island Community Church brings inspirational speaker and author/poet Diana Stuhr. at 11:30 a.m. at Rosario’s Discovery House. $30, reservations required by Friday, April 29, 376-7046. Partial and full scholarships are available.

Hazardous Waste Collection from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Solid Waste facility. San Juan County Solid Waste Division sponsors this annual event today only on Orcas Island.   Recycle used motor oil, antifreeze, and vehicle batteries at your island’s solid waste facility during regular open hours.Call the SJ County Solid Waste Division @ 370-0503 or go to the San Juan County  website.

Wine Tasting and Auction for Orcas Montessori School, 6 to 9 p.m.  at Emmanuel Episcopal Parish Hall. Autumn and Chimo Boehm have selected ten delicious premium wines from California for a special wine tasting experience.  Partygoers will also enjoy music by Lizanne Hennessey and Roland Stolk, and finger food from Orcas restaurants. A silent auction, and a live auction by Joe Gaydos will provide opportunities to bid on services donated by the school families. Childcare will be available onsite by prearrangement. Tickets are available at the Montessori school, at Darvill’s Bookstore, or online at OrcasMontessori.org, for $35 each, or $20 without the wine tasting.  Call 376-5350 or visit www.OrcasMontessori.org

Sunday, May 1

Community Forum – with Cheri Peters 1 to 3 p.m. at Orcas Christian School – – community “finger foods” potluck and community discussion about issues and concerns with teenage alcohol and drug use on Orcas.

Crossroads Lecture with Professor David Kennedy “A Tale of Three Cities:  How the United States Won WWII and Made the Modern World.”  The lecture is scheduled for 7:30 pm at Orcas Center.Tickets at Darvill’s Bookstore.

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