Updated June 13 at 3:30 p.m.

Monday, June 13

Darvill’s  June book group read: Tom Franklin’s Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter. Franklin renders luminous prose and a cast of compelling characters in this moody, masterful entry. The Book Club will meet from 5;30  to 7 p.m. at Darvill’s.

Postphoned: Farmageddon: The Unseen War on American Family Farms Movie at the Odd Fellows Hall at 8 p.m. “Farmageddon” tells the story of small, family farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop, sometimes through violent ac-tion, by agents of misguided government bureaucracies, and seeks to figure out why. $5 donation to cover costs. Co-Sponsored by Food Masters and the Orcas chapter of  the Weston A. Price Foundation. Note: the dvd was delayed in shipping, so the movie showing has been re-scheduled for next week.

Tuesday, June 14

Orcas Library Board of Trustees 9 a.m. at the Public Library

Doe Bay Print Workshop with Kyle Durrie of Moveable Type from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come for all or part of the event.

Friends of the Orcas Island Library Board meet at 3:30 p.m. at the Orcas LIbrary.

Sewer and Water District meeting, 4:30 p.m. at District offices. East side of the airport at the end of Cessna Lane.

Flag Day at the American Legion Hall, 5 p.m. Bring your old flags and have them properly retired.

Wednesday, June 15

Orcas League of Women Voters meet at the Outlook Inn at 5 p.m. Agenda includes membership drive, voter registration,  and Candidates’ Forum for the primary election.

A Different Kind of Luxury (Japanese Lessons in Simple Living and Inner Abundance) author Andy Couturier will read from his book and engage in discussion at Darvill’s Bookstore at 7 p.m.

Thursday, June 16

Friday, June 17

Canceled due to speaker illness: Andrew Harvey, poet Workshop “Celebrating Hope in Hard Times: The life & legacy of the writings of Rumi” workshop with poet Andrew Harvey at Emmanuel Episcopal Church from noon to 4 pm. Tickets are $50 pre-registration / $60 at the door.Payment may be arranged on a sliding scale, and transportation is availabe from the Friday Harbor and Orcas ferry landings. To register, contact Janet Thomas at 360-378-3854, or mail jthomas@rockisland.com

Martin Lund’s One World Music Festival – Viva La Musica! turns up the heat for the ninth edition of “One World Music Festival”, a Funhouse fundraiser. 7:30 p.m. at Orcas Center. Line-up includes three-time Latin Grammy nominee, Jovino Santos Neto Trio; North West’s vocalist of the year, Gail Pettis; master swing violinist, Paul Anastasio, virtuoso flutist, Jeffrey Cohan, The Orcas Horns and The Fiddlin’ Four! There will be a pre-show “FIESTA”! from 4 to 6 p.m. at “CHILADAS” (previously Bilbos),  where twenty percent of all Fiesta food sales will be donated to the Funhouse.  To get up close with the musicians, you can donate $75 or more and can sit in “Club One World” located on stage during the performance. Call The Funhouse at 376-7177 for VIP ticket sales.  Tickets through Orcas Center: $28, $24 (Orcas Center members), $15 (students). Call 376-2281 or visit www.orcascenter.org

Saturday, June 18

Truckapalooza: Honking, Exploring and Sirens all in the name of Healthy Kids! Sponosred by Orcas Familly Health Center, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Airport park. Tickets are $6 per person, under 3 are free. Proceeds benefit under- and un-insured Orcas kids. Call 376-7787 to participate or help.

Orcas Island Exchange New, Improved ART (Appropriate Recycling Technology) Show at the Solstice Parade and Village Green.New categories this year are:

  • Art Show – art made from materials from the Exchange
  • Fashion Show – fashion made from materials from the Exchange
  • Tool & Functional Object Show – ditto but useful, repurposed stuff
  • Your Stories Show – share your stories and photos about ways the Exchange has influenced your life over the years.  Register to enter your items. Forms and more information available at the Exchange and Bucking Doe Studio and Store. Drop off your stories and photos at the Exchange. Enter your art, objects, fashion and your personal stories and photos of how the Exchange has touched your life. If you can’t bring the item send us a photo and a description.

Summer Solstice Parade The theme is ‘Around the World’ Everyone is welcome in the fun, floats, dance routines, music, etc.  Parade starts at 12 noon. For details, go to   www.orcasislandsolsticeparade.com. Contact Laura @ 376-5458.

Writers’ Roundtable, come write with Jill McCabe Johnson as she uses scents to trigger memories and prompt new work. All are welcome!. 1 to 3 p.m. at the Public Library.

Salmonberry School 10th Anniversary Celebration Young and old alike are invited to help us celebrate ten amazing years of educating island children!   We’ll have games, crafts, donkey rides, food and an all around good time.  3-6 pm at the school.  Stop by after the Solstice festivities!  Free.

Crossroads Lecture Series, “The Tea Party Paradox:  Everyone’s Right, Everyone’s Wrong, and What That Says about American Politics. Colin Lingle and Damon DeCicco, doctoral candidates at UW, share insights and observations from their extensive dissertation fieldwork examining the Tea Party and its relationship with news media.  3 pm at the Parish Hall, Emmanuel Church.  Tickets available at the Library and Darvill’s.

Martin Lund’s One World Music Festival – Viva La Musica! turns up the heat for the ninth edition of “One World Music Festival”, a Funhouse fundraiser. 7:30 p.m. at Orcas Center. Line-up includes three-time Latin Grammy nominee, Jovino Santos Neto Trio; North West’s vocalist of the year, Gail Pettis; master swing violinist, Paul Anastasio, virtuoso flutist, Jeffrey Cohan, The Orcas Horns and The Fiddlin’ Four! There will be a pre-show “FIESTA”! from 4 to 6 p.m. at “CHILADAS” (previously Bilbos), where twenty percent of all Fiesta food sales will be donated to the Funhouse. To get up close with the musicians, you can donate $75 or more and can sit in “Club One World” located on stage during the performance. Call The Funhouse at 376-7177 for VIP ticket sales. Tickets through Orcas Center: $28, $24 (Orcas Center members), $15 (students). Call 376-2281 or visit www.orcascenter.org

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