Craig Abolin and his Padbury bench

Craig Abolin and his wife Cynthia attended the Farm to Cafeteria Simple Sunday Supper last Sunday evening to listen to great music, eat great food, and contribute to a great cause.  The last thing on their minds was taking home a one-of-a-kind, priceless and coveted solid Orcas Maple bench made by Mark Padbury and his woodshop students, Robbie Padbury and Jake White especially for the Farm to Cafeteria event.

This beautiful bench was a special raffle item where a hopeful winner would have to spend $20 for one ticket to try to win.  Many purchased several tickets to increase their odds.  Abolin bought one and hoped for the best. When his number was called, Abolin and his wife literally jumped out of their chairs, commenting later, “Our new house closes escrow tomorrow and we have an absolutely perfect place for this beautiful bench!”

So, if you saw a Prius driving home Sunday night with a gorgeous bench sticking out the back, you now know it was the happy Abolins.

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