Celebrating the Power of Volunteerism
We are excited to reflect on Volunteer Appreciation Week that took place from April 21-27! Without the unwavering dedication of volunteers, food banks like ours would not be able to fulfill our mission of serving those in need. We celebrate the positive impact they make in our communities, inspiring others to get involved and create meaningful change.

Each volunteer holds a special place in our hearts, and we honor and appreciate them for their unique talents and unwavering dedication. Thank you, volunteers, for being our neighbors, friends, and partners in promoting health and wellbeing. Your selflessness and commitment truly make our island a thriving and caring place to be.

If you’re interested in joining our fun-loving team of volunteers, stop by to say hello at 116 Madrona Street (next to the Community Church) on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 11-6:30.

“Nobody goes hungry on this island. We take care of our people.”
— Food Bank customer

Neighborly Giving has a Profound Impact on Our Community
Amazing news, Orcas Island community! Thanks to your support, our Give Orcas grant request was fully funded in just two and a half days. We are simply overflowing with deep appreciation for each and everyone of you.

We raised $5,000 to celebrate Hispanic culture, cuisine, and food access education for our staff. Together with Alimentando al Pueblo, a Hispanic food bank from Burien, we’ll host a wonderful community fiesta. The team at Alimentando al Pueblo will be surveying our Hispanic customers and reviewing our offerings to ensure their needs are met. We’re also incorporating questions specific to the new Pea Patch Campus to ensure inclusivity and growth.

We want to extend a special thank you to the  Orcas Island Community Foundation for providing this wonderful opportunity, not only for us but also for all organizations here on Orcas. Collectively, the community fully funded 26 organizations with $380,000 in just 10 days. Orcas, you have truly shown the power of our united community.

Thank you for helping us promote health, wellbeing, and the rich diversity of our community.

Inspiring Health & Unity with Our Food Co-op
The Orcas Food Co-op is a valued collaborator in our shared mission of providing food security to our community. Their support extends beyond just donating food to the Food Bank; they offer programs that directly benefit our friends and neighbors.

ne of their impactful initiatives is the Community Hero Program, which includes the Register Round-Up. Throughout the month, shoppers have the chance to round up their purchases, with the proceeds supporting a chosen community organization. In April, the Food Bank was the fortunate recipient of the Register Round-Up, and our community demonstrated its generosity by contributing a total of $886.62.

A heartfelt thank you to the Orcas Food Co-op and everyone who took part in the Register Round-Up Program. This month, the Round-Up recipient is the Orcas Montessori School. Head over to the Co-op and join in showing your love and support for our community.

“Everything that comes our way eventually ends up leaving the farm in the form of locally
grown food for our community.  It’s a pretty great partnership and we appreciate all the
work that the Food Bank does to help us and our entire community.”
— Justin Paulsen, Horse Tail Farm

Fueling Change, Reducing Waste with a Closed Loop Food System
We see the beauty and power of a closed-loop food system. It’s not just about receiving food and distributing it to our customers; it’s about creating a sustainable cycle of nourishment and community support.

As our customers receive the quality food provided by the Food Bank, they experience not just nourishment, but also care and support from their neighbors. When food scraps from our Food Bank are composted and returned to a local farm, the circle continues in a sustainable and environmentally
friendly way. This process not only reduces waste but also supports local agriculture, bringing fresh, locally grown produce back to the Food Bank. By closing the loop in this way, we promote sustainability, reduce our environmental impact, and provide our community with nutritious, locally sourced food.

In essence, a closed-loop food system embodies our values of connection, sustainability, and empowerment. It’s not just about the food; it’s about building a resilient, supportive community where everyone can thrive.

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You’ll receive monthly updates from Amanda on all of the great things happening at the Food Bank. Follow the link and scroll down below the header image to sign up at https://orcasislandfoodbank.org