By Rachel Newcombe

Everyone has something to say about money. Having it or not having it. Making too little or paying too much tax. Some people speak the language of finance fluently while others stumble with the finer points of Roth IRA, interest points, student loans or reverse mortgages.

This year the Orcas Island Public Library is pleased to provide Money Smart Week. This is a program that was developed by the FDIC and promoted by the FED of Chicago. This program is now partnered with the American Library Association.  The program focuses on non-affiliated financial education for consumers. The Orcas Island Public Library will be hosting Money Smart Week from April 23-28.

Some of the topics that will be addressed are:  understanding & improving your credit score, credit repair & debt elimination, retirement planning, budgeting & savings, First Time Home Buyers and Reverse Mortgages.

There will be presenters from Key Bank, Islanders Bank, and the WA State Department of Financial Intuitions.  The programs will occur during the day and there will also be early evening seminars. Nita Couchman and Mary Pugh are working on a children’s program for April 21.

As Money Smart week approaches there will be sign-up sheets at the library for individual classes. All classes are free. We encourage you to check the library’s website for up to-date information.