Jacob and Kristi Angel arrived on Orcas in 1999 for their honeymoon, loved it so much they stayed, and have been catering to Orcasonians ever since.

It’s perhaps a little early to starting thinking of your Valentine’s Day plans, but if you haven’t tried Angel’s Food or had Jacob’s cooking since back in his Orcas Restaurant days, you’re in for a serious treat on Valentine’s Day weekend.   Jacob Angel and his wife Kristi are planning a rare, personally catered and intimate sit-down dinner for a few lucky people on Sunday, February 13, and they are graciously donating all of the proceeds to the Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria Program.

The evening will begin with three hors d’oeuvres, followed by three elegant courses including Filet Mignon (vegetarian variations will be accommodated on request.)  Glasses will be provided for guests bringing their own wine of preference to the table. “We are very excited to help raise funds and awareness for the Farm to Cafeteria Program which provides good health and nutritional knowledge for our youth,” says Angel.

Seventy-five dollars will reserve your seat at this special event being held at 6:30 on February 13 at Odd Fellows Hall when you talk to the Angels at 376-7420.   Find out more about Angel’s Food, celebrating their 9th season of catering healthy, gourmet cuisine for Islanders, at www.angelsfoodcatering.com. We recommend you make your reservation soon for this very special dinner.