Thanks to Rob Harlow, the garden gets a hair cut!

By Madie Murray
Community Journalist

He raised a little dust, but it made everyone smile! On Wednesday of last week, Rob Harlow trucked his tiller to the school garden and made the first pass to till and condition the soil in the expanded garden area before school started.

Though it looks like not much is happening, there actually are several projects currently underway:  the tank for the rainwater catchment system is to be installed before September 15 and a weather station is being planned and erected as a senior project by Zack Wolford. The first area to be graded and developed will be up near the District Office building where the weather station, a wash and prep area, and a learning circle for meetings, stories and classes in the garden is planned.

Driftwood designs and a bark heart adorn the garden gate.

In the larger area where Rob tilled (and for which we are so deeply grateful), the plans right now are to terrace and level the area so the new watering system will be more efficient.  The return of the grass will be abated by additional tilling and winter crop cover until next spring. And be sure to go by and take a look at the beautiful new gates being made.

On October 13, a “Celebration of Farm to Cafeteria” will occur at the school that will include a tour of the garden as well as Mandy’s Farm to Classroom Project and a wonderful scratch-cooked lunch by our amazing cafeteria staff.  Learn more about that event by clicking here.

In spite of the dust, the garden is growing!