JP and the OK Rhythm Boys are thrilled to be teaming up with the technical wizards of Orcas Center to present a live stream concert on Saturday,
November 7 at 7pm. JP, Gordon, and Anita will be playing live online, with all the excitement in the moment that brings. As always, they guarantee to keep you humming, singing, sighing, and laughing along.

While the mode of musical delivery may be different, they will be sharing their usual inimitable mix of fiddle, guitar, bass, and three-part vocal harmonies with a side helping of mandolin, ukulele, banjo, and of course a seasoning of musical saw. There will be new songs and old, new jokes and old, from swing to hoedown to cowboy tunes to jazz standards to waltzes to originals, to, well, you never know what will catch their fancy, and yours. And boots…

Following all appropriate protocols and testing, JP, Gordon, and Anita look forward to playing live from Orcas Center for you and yours, wherever you might be! Join us on Saturday, November 7 at www.OrcasCenter.org – The live stream is free but of course, donations are always welcome. All proceeds support Orcas Center and live music, what could be better?