Steve Braun Memorial Triathlon will be held on Sunday September 5th. This is the 12 annual triathlon in memory of Steve Braun, island athlete, “and since the County is closing Orcas Rec Nov 1st it could be the last,” says Linda Sheridan, Orcas Recreation Program Coordinator.

The pre-race talk starts at 8:30 a.m.  and the race begins around 9 a.m. Participants can do one of the three legs — swimming, biking or running — of the race and/or participate as a team. The race is a .4 mile swim in Cascade Lake, a 17 mile bike out to Doe Bay and back, and a 3.5 mile run around Cascade Lake.

Cost for the race is $45 pre-registration for triathletes; $35 individuals (1 or 2 events or team member); $30 under 18
After September 3rd, add $10 late fee.

The course is a .4 mile swim in Cascade Lake, a 17-ile bike ride, and a 3.5 mile trail run.Individuals can participate in one, two, or three parts of the triathlon or  can participate as a team.

Entry forms are available at the Orcas Rec. Program office (Senior Services Building), Wildlife Cycles, and the Public Library. Please call 376-5339 for information or to receive a registration form by mail or email.

Registration includes a hat, t-shirt or Frisbee!  Registration will be permitted on race day but there will be a $10 late fee.

Orcas Rec encourages people of all ages to join in any portion of this good-spirited annual event. “This is a comfortable and fun triathlon open to serious triathletes and those who just want a personal challenge,” says Sheridan.

The proceeds benefit the Orcas Island Recreation Program and the Friends of Moran State Park.

if you are interested in attending that would be great. I won’t be there but Didier Gincig will be there to run the show

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