— from Washington State Parks —

Gov. Inslee has asked State Parks to remain open Friday, June 30. The governor recognizes that budget negotiations are causing significant disruptions to state agencies and the people they serve. Legislators have committed to the governor they will deliver a budget in time for him to sign before midnight Friday, June 30.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”#810912″ class=”” size=””]If parks do close down, it will take two days from the closing date to get parks reopened.[/perfectpullquote]

In the event legislators do not deliver a budget in time, state agencies must initiate a partial shutdown—including the closure of state parks. If this happens, State parks will begin closing Saturday July 1.

If parks do close down, it will take two days from the closing date to get parks reopened. Find out why. (Note: This document has been updated to clear up some inaccurate information.)

More information about contingency planning for state agency operations is available through the Office of Financial Management.