Kids at a waterfall in Moran State Park

Kids at a waterfall in Moran State Park

From the Orcas Island Park and Recreation District

Join Naturalist Carolyn Cruso for a walk in Moran Park learning about the flora, fauna and ecosystems of this unique island.  Some ethnobotany included.  Meet at Moran State Park at 10 a.m.  Contact us at 376-7177  and we can help arrange transportation. $20.


Join Naturalist Carolyn Cruso for three afternoons in an outdoor classroom setting with fun hands on learning experiences, ages 8-14. Third Thursdays March – May. Meet at Moran State Park at 3:30 p.m. Contact us and we can help arrange transportation. $20 for each walk or $55 for all three.

FOREST ECOLOGY, Mar. 21st: Learn about the main species of trees on Orcas Island, study forest succession after a disturbance, and explore an old growth grove.

WETLANDS ECOLOGY, April 18: Learn why wetlands are important. Discover the bizarre aquatic creatures of the wetland and observe their wonderful adaptations. Make an educated guess as to the health of the wetland and carry out tests to prove or disprove.

SOIL ECOLOGY & NATURE JOURNALING: May 16: Learn what goes into making soil; the tiny organisms, how they interact with the large plants and critters in the forest and how we as humans are involved in this process. Through story/myth we will imagine our relatively recent glaciation period and how it effects our local soil. Bring a notebook or just a stack of scrap paper for the second half of this fun class. We will draw plants and lichen, create stories about ancient trees, the path of a creek and other fun writing explorations.