by Cara Russell

Solstice Parade has been an island tradition since 1999.

Solstice Parade has been an island tradition since 1999.

In 1999 Orcas Island had its very first Summer Solstice Parade, in celebration of art, community, dance, and of course summer.

Not only is the Summer Solstice Parade going strong fifteen years later, the attendance of spectators has grown larger as well as the costumes and passion of the volunteers involved. “The summer solstice Parade is our kick off in our minds to summer.” says coordinator Laura Gibbons.

With a different theme each year, this year being “Creatures!” the themes have varied from “Carnival of Color,” “Go Garden Go,” to “Wild Things,” and are to be taken loosely, being up to the individual to interpret as they wish. Many have shown up with every interpretation in mind, expressed both in costume as well as creative ideas for floats. “In years past, the parade has had just about anything that can be rolled, pushed, and ridden by a person.” says Gibbons.

Though the theme changes from year to year there are two characters who are always a constant: the larger than life puppets known as Heap the dragon, and Hugging the sun.

In ‘99 while at the exchange looking for costume pieces, Laura found Heap leaning against a wall. He started as a recycled piece, but continuously gets up-cycled each year, as people keep adding fabric, feathers, and feet. His eyes are bicycle reflectors, his face and snout are made up of a woman’s bathing suit, his tongue is a flatted out pie tin with a red base and a pattern of little white hearts. The scales of overlapping plates going down the back of his neck, are made of many layers of meat packaging. And the entire dragon is operated by three people hidden beneath it all.

Hugging Sun is incredibly tall with a sun for a head and wide arms, and puffy welcoming hands are the size of garbage can lids. Huggings goes around giving out all-enfolding hugs. In case you want one, Hugging will bring up the rear of the parade, just so he can take his time giving out free hugs anyone who approaches.

The parade will begin on Saturday, June 22nd at NOON. This year they plan to begin the dance through town by meeting first @ 11:30 near the Odd Fellows Hall, located on 112 Haven Road. They will begin the march onto North Beach Rd then to Main St, to Prune Alley, to Rose St, and somehow will get to the Village Green.

But that won’t  be the end. Once at the Green, there will be musical performances by The Dust Bunnies and The Sand Fleas on the stage. San Juan county Parks sponsors the parade each year by providing free access to the village Green Stage. With room on the grass to dance, everyone can enjoy the music, the farmers market, and the spectacle.

The parade is open to anyone who wants to take part. There is no registration. Just abide by the simple guidelines: no slogans, no advertisements, no agenda, no motor vehicles, no written word, or livestock—just art, connection, and fun. It doesn’t matter if it’s the day of, come and join. There are always extra wings, puffs, and fabrics, to transform you from a spectator to a “Creature” of the spectacle.