Thursdays, April 6 – 27, 3 – 5 p.m., Orcas Library

— from Cathy Degnan, Skagit Valley College —

Join a four-week Orcas Island course, Unmasking Poetry Forms, designed for writers and readers alike; taught by Orcas Island poet Jill McCabe Johnson.

This course will examine a wide range of poetic forms and explore how different aspects of form, such as stanza, meter, line length, repetition, and appearance on the page, can affect how a poem is read and perceived.

Participants will have the option of drafting various poetry forms and the option of sharing them with the class.

Jill McCabe Johnson is the author of the poetry books: Revolutions We’d Hoped We’d Outgrown; Diary of the One Swelling Sea; winner of a Nautilus Book Award, plus the nonfiction chapbook Borderlines. Johnson is the founding director of Artsmith, a non-profit to support the arts.

Class will run Thursdays, April 6-27, 3-5:00 pm at the Orcas Library meeting room. Copies of poems will be provided. Cost: $60.00.

Call the San Juan Center of Skagit Valley College, (360) 378-3220 to register