Even if we are closed due to COVID virus

— from Diana Martindale for San Juan Islands Museum of Art —

You can visit the current San Juan Islands Museum of Art (SJIMA) even though we are closed. SJIMA set up this link so you could see a tour of the art of Deon Venter, Holly Ballard Martz and June Sekiguchi. SJIMA participated in last week’s Virtual Art Walk on Thursday, April 16.

Enjoy the link to our online exhibitions. Coming soon is an even more extensive and fascinating tour featuring the artists personally talking about their art in detail.

In MISSING / HIGHWAY OF TEARS Deon Venter paints a life affirming
memorial to the young lives lost, mostly Aboriginal, on highways in British
Columbia, Canada.

June Sekiguchi’s site-responsive art installation, THE PULSE OF WATER,
conveys messages of cultural identity and personal narratives of her travels
and meditations.

DOMESTIC BLISS renders Holly Ballard Martz’s messages about the
obstacles that impede the quest for gender equity in the US. She transforms
objects associated with domestic labor, traditionally the purview of women,
and supplants their original purpose to beautiful art which reminds the viewer that with every prick of the pin and curve of the wire, women’s work is truly never done.

Go to #VirtualArtWalkSJIS to see all of last week’s participants. SJIMA looks
forward to welcoming you when we reopen. Stay well.

The exhibitions are sponsored by The Honeywell Charitable Fund, Kim Miller, Town of Friday Harbor, San Juan County, San Juan Island Community Foundation, Printonyx, Harbor Rentals & Browne’s Home Center.