Most, if not all of you, remember dissecting a frog in your high school Biology class.  Well, here’s one better – learning to fillet a salmon in your 6th Grade Farm to Classroom class.

Sixth grader, Jacqueline Figueroa, with help from Christina takes an expert swipe at the salmon

One of the salmon received by the public school from our local hatchery played a cameo roll with Christina Orchid in the lead showing kids how to fillet a salmon as well as letting them each have a hand at actually removing the bones themselves.  They even were treated to a slice of that salmon cooked to perfection before the class ended.

Curiosity and questions abound, from how old it was to what does it eat and was it a boy or a girl.  To answer those questions and many more, Mike O’Connell, Manager of the Glenwood Springs Hatchery here on Orcas that donated this and 20 more salmon to the school cafeteria, will be visiting that same class and others in the Farm to Classroom Project in November.

One more wonderful, practical lesson of the Farm to Classroom project that teaches kids where our food comes from and the many layers involved before it reaches their plate – be it salmon or salad.

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