— from Jesse Douglas-Seitz for San Juan County Public Works —

Aerial photo of site on June 14, courtesy of Greg Sawyer

Roadway excavation and rock breaking activities have made significantly progress to the intersection of Orcas Road and the WSF Access. Crews are placing and compacting embankment in the western parking zones. Utility relocation is active on Orcas Hill Road.

Construction Activities
Rock breaking is scheduled to continue on site next week. Our contractor will continue roadway excavation bringing the surface closer to subgrade. Material produced during rock breaking activities will stay on site to build the roadway and parking areas. Crews are placing and compacting embankment in the western parking zones.

Utility relocation activities will continue next week on Orcas Hill Rd. Traffic control will be on site as necessary, please drive slowly.

Traffic control will be on site as necessary. Please drive slowly.

For more information about this project visit our website at www.sanjuanco.com/278/Current-Projects.