March 22, 2017
17-001493 Malicious Mischief 08:52:11 03/22/17
Deputies responded to an Eastsound residence regarding a vandalism call on 3/22/17. Deputies met with the complainant who stated he was unsure if the damage to his trees was from vandalism or natural causes. Deputies gathered information for a report & gave the complainant the incident number.

17-001504 Accident-Injury, Traffic 16:45:00 03/22/17
A deputy responded to a single vehicle collision on the South of San Juan Island. Further investigation revealed the driver of the vehicle to be impaired and they were arrested for DUI.

March 23, 2017
17-001515 Welfare Check 09:46:52 03/23/17
A Deputy responded to a residence within the Town of Friday Harbor for a Welfare Check. I was able to gain entry into the residence and locate the resident in question. He had been down for an unknown amount of time and I contacted Medical Personnel for a medical rescue.

17-001518 Accident-NonInj 11:41:18 03/23/17
A Deputy responded to a non injury vehicle collision within the Town of Friday Harbor. I completed a Police Traffic Collision Report.

17-001519 Trespassing 13:30:48 03/23/17
An Orcas Island resident reported two men trespassing on his property. The subjects left the area and were not identified. A report was taken.

March 24, 2017
17-001531 Domestic Dispute or Assault 00:20:58 03/24/17
Deputies responded to a residence in Friday Harbor to settle a dispute between roommates. This dispute was settle by contact.

17-001548 Fraud 15:36:44 03/24/17
A deputy was contacted in reference to a Fraud that occurred in the San Juan Island area. The victim reported receiving a check from the IRS for a filed tax return. The victim was advised by IRS that it appeared her personal information might have been stolen. Investigation continues.

17-001549 Animal at Large 16:58:53 03/24/17
A Deputy responded to a residence on San Juan Island reference a dog at large. I retrieved the dog and returned to the owner. I issued a Dog at Large warning letter to the dog owner.

March 25, 2017
17-001564 Accident-HitRun 11:35:22 03/25/17
A deputy was dispatched to a Traffic Accident in the Friday Harbor area. The reporting deputy arrived and discovered the accident was a passenger who fell from a moving vehicle. The passenger was transported for treatment.

17-001568 Agency Assistance 13:48:48 03/25/17
Assisted funeral home in removing deceased hospice patient from 2nd floor bedroom.

17-001572 Animal Bite 17:58:57 03/25/17
A Deputy Responded the Peace Island Emergency Room for a dog bite. A small child was being treated for a dog bite from the family dog. Family agreed to quarantine the dog at home for the required 10 days. Animal Bite Report completed and attached.

17-001574 Traffic Stop 18:12:34 03/25/17
A Lopez Island Deputy contacted a motorist on 03/25/17 and issued her a ticket after he saw her driving on Lopez Road while using her cell phone.

17-001577 Fish & Game Violation 19:31:11 03/25/17
Lopez Island deputies responded to a report of illegal hunting on private property. The suspect was unable to be located when deputies arrived and a report was taken.

March 26, 2017
17-001583 Domestic Dispute or Assault 00:00:18 03/26/17
Friday Harbor deputies were dispatched to a physical domestic. Both parties were interviewed and the female was taken into custody for assault and booked into jail, pending a court hearing.

17-001585 Structure Fire 06:58:39 03/26/17
A Lopez Island deputy was called to assist the fire department with traffic control at a working structure fire. The roadway was closed to traffic and a detour established around the fire scene.

17-001590 Found Property 14:04:04 03/26/17
A Lopez Island deputy was called regarding an abandoned campsite at Odlin Park. Several items of personal property were left in the campsite and the camper left under suspicious circumstances. The camper was located and returned to the park to get their property.

17-001593 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 17:12:50 03/26/17
Lopez deputies were dispatched to a female behaving erratically at the ferry terminal. The female was located at the Lopez Village Market, and was asked to leave.

17-001601 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 20:57:13 03/26/17
Friday Harbor deputies were dispatched to investigate a trespasser. The person had already left and could not be located. The homeowner asked that she be formally trespassed if we could locate her. Deputies continued to watch for the person without success.

March 27, 2017
17-001605 Welfare Check 07:51:26 03/27/17
A Lopez Island deputy was called to check on the well being of a subject acting in a manner that was alarming to others at two Lopez Island businesses. The subject was located and was safe. No further action was taken.

17-001606 Vehicle Prowl 10:03:09 03/27/17
A Deputy was dispatched to a vehicle prowl in Friday Harbor. No further leads or suspects at this time.

17-001608 Accident-NonInj 12:43:50 03/27/17
A SJC Deputy responded to a vehicle collision in which a small school bus had drove off the roadway and into a ditch. There were children and chaperones in the bus. No persons were injured, and little damage was done to the vehicle. A report was documented.

17-001612 Traffic Hazard 13:38:15 03/27/17
A Lopez Island deputy was sent to check on a traffic hazard in the village. A vehicle had backed into the ditch perpendicular to the road and gotten stuck, blocking half the road. The deputy pulled the vehicle out and the driver was sent on their way. No further action necessary.

17-001616 Unwanted Person 16:24:03 03/27/17
A Lopez Island deputy was called to a local business regarding an unwanted subject on the property who was accosting customers and creating a nuisance. The deputy contacted the subject, who was asked to leave. No further action was necessary.

March 28, 2017
17-001631 Court Order Violation 08:46:05 03/28/17
A SJC Deputy took a report of an order violation. Further investigation revealed the suspect had violated the domestic violence court order. The suspect was arrested, transported and booked into jail in Friday Harbor.

17-001634 Assault – Body Force 12:56:32 03/28/17
A Lopez Island man was arrested for Assault IV-Domestic Violence after a call of a physical altercation in a Lopez residence. The suspect left the residence before deputies arrived but was located at a home nearby. The man was transported to jail in Friday Harbor pending a court appearance.

17-001635 Theft 13:23:13 03/28/17
A Deputy was dispatched to a Theft on Stuart Island. A report was taken and there is no further information at this time.

17-001640 Accident-NonInj 17:18:06 03/28/17
A deputy responded to a single vehicle traffic collision in Eastsound. The collision was investigated and a report was written.

17-001642 Welfare Check 18:43:39 03/28/17
An Orcas deputy took a report from a concerned citizen on Shaw Island regarding the health of a Shaw Island resident. An investigation has been started and will include follow up with Adult Protective Services.

17-001643 Juvenile Problem 22:37:24 03/28/17
A deputy was dispatched to a verbal dispute between a parent and her 14-year-old daughter. The Deputy settled the incident and no enforcement action was taken.