August 17, 2016
16-006059 Accident-HitRun 07:46:01 08/17/16
Deputies responded to a hit and run in Eastsound. When deputies arrived it was determined there was minimal property damage to property and were unable to locate the responsible person. A report was completed.

16-006061 Domestic Dispute or Assault 08:41:13 08/17/16
Deputies responded to the apartments located in Eastsound reference a domestic violence incident. When Deputies arrived it was learned the parties involved had left the area. During the course of the investigation it was determined there were no injuries, verbal only. A report was completed.

16-006068 Sick or Injured Animal 12:31:22 08/17/16
A Lopez Island deputy was sent to Richardson Rd near Davis Bay on a report of an injured deer. Evidence of a deer being struck by a car was found, but the deer had disappeared.

16-006070 Accident-HitRun 13:38:32 08/17/16
A Deputy was dispatched to a Hit and Run Unattended traffic collision in Friday Harbor. It was found the incident happened the day the previous day and there are no suspects at this time. No further.

16-006073 Accident-NonInj 15:08:52 08/17/16
A Lopez Island deputy investigated a minor two vehicle collision that occurred on Fisherman Bay Rd in front of the Lopez Island Library. A British Columbia man was cited for unsafe backing after he backed up in traffic, striking the vehicle behind him after he overshot the library driveway.

16-006079 Traffic Hazard 16:29:27 08/17/16
A Lopez Island deputy came upon a vehicle parked in the middle of the road with its hazard lights on, unoccupied. The operator appeared from nearby shortly after the deputy arrived, offering that he “was only going to be a minute.” The driver was warned, and immediately moved the car.

16-006085 Court Order Violation 19:22:18 08/17/16
A Deputy was dispatched to an Eastsound address in regards to a domestic violence order violation and domestic assault that occurred in the morning. The suspect was not on scene and not found at know locations. A report was taken.

August 18, 2016
16-006092 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 00:02:09 08/18/16
A Deputy discovered a subject sleeping in his vehicle at San Juan County Land Bank’s Crescent Beach Preserve property. Occupant was warned and educated about illegal camping. Occupant cited.

16-006107 Sick or Injured Animal 14:36:51 08/18/16
A Deputy was dispatched to animals possibly in distress in Friday Harbor. The owner of the animals was cited and released with a court appearance.

16-006108 Mental Health 14:55:52 08/18/16
A San Juan County jail resident showed emotional problems, Compass Health DMHP was
called. After talking to the resident she was moved to a mental health center
on the main land for care.

16-006112 Burglary – Residential 17:22:31 08/18/16
A Deputy in Friday Harbor received a report of a burglary. It was reported that someone entered into a residence and it did not appear that anything had been stolen.

16-006114 Domestic Dispute or Assault 18:31:10 08/18/16
A deputy was dispatched to a verbal domestic dispute in Friday Harbor. Both parties decided to separate themselves for the evening. Settled by Contact.

16-006120 Domestic Dispute or Assault 21:05:17 08/18/16
A Deputy in Friday Harbor received a report of a domestic dispute. The investigation showed that a couple was having a verbal argument. One of the persons involved wished to leave the residence and the Deputy assisted the person with a ride to a friends house.

16-006122 Traffic Stop 23:19:47 08/18/16
A Deputy in Friday Harbor stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. The investigation showed that the driver of the vehicle was under the influence of alcohol and was placed under arrest.

August 19, 2016
16-006125 Theft 09:10:55 08/19/16
A Deputy was dispatched to theft that possible occurred either on the ferry boat enroute to Anacortes or in Arlington. No further information at this time.

16-006133 Found Property 13:00:47 08/19/16
A Lopez deputy collected found property from a local business. After further investigation the owner was contacted. Arrangements are being made to return the property.

16-006138 Found Property 13:57:58 08/19/16
An Orcas deputy was contacted by a citizen who found money on a local beach. The money was collected and booked into the Orcas Substation property room. A report was taken.

16-006142 Attempted Suicide 15:53:58 08/19/16
Deputies were dispatched to an attempted suicide. The subject was contacted, taken into Mental Health custody and transported to Peace Island ER for treatment and evaluation

16-006144 Threats 16:03:09 08/19/16
Lopez deputies were dispatched to a report of threats made against fire personnel on an illegal burn investigation. The subject was contacted and warned about firefighter jurisdiction and threatening public servants.

16-006145 Domestic Dispute or Assault 17:00:15 08/19/16
A Deputy in Friday Harbor received a report of a domestic. The investigation showed that it was just a verbal argument between two people. This report is for information only.

16-006147 Wanted Person 17:44:30 08/19/16 J Asher CAA
U.S. Customs reported a subject boarded the Washington State Ferry in Sidney B.C
and he had an active Felony Warrant. Deputies met the subject in Friday Harbor
and he was placed under arrest and booked into the holding facility.

16-006160 Wanted Person 22:39:00 08/19/16
A Deputy was on foot patrol in the Friday Harbor area. The reporting deputy observed a subject with an outstanding District Court warrant. The subject was taken into custody and booked on the warrant.

August 20, 2016
16-006169 Traffic Hazard 07:03:58 08/20/16
A Lopez Island woman reported a vehicle traveling very fast on Center Rd, believed to be trying to catch an early morning ferry. The offending vehicle was not located by the responding deputy.

16-006171 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 08:43:31 08/20/16
A Lopez Island deputy was called regarding suspicious activity in Lopez Village. The people involved were vendors preparing to get their booth set up at the Farmer’s Market. No further action was necessary.

16-006172 Theft 09:06:40 08/20/16
A Deputy was dispatched to a theft that occurred two weeks ago in Friday Harbor. No further information.

16-006174 Malicious Mischief 10:40:09 08/20/16
A Deputy was dispatched to vandalism in Friday Harbor. Two political party booths were vandalized, no dollar amount of damage. No further.

16-006177 Found Property 11:22:54 08/20/16
Deputies were flagged down by a citizen reference a found lost phone. The phone was placed into safe keeping. No further action required.

16-006179 Court Order Violation 13:42:29 08/20/16
Deputies were dispatched to an Eastsound address reference a violation of a court order. During the initial investigation it was determined a violation didn’t occur. An informational report was completed. No further action required.

16-006182 Found Property 13:58:43 08/20/16
A resident of Eastsound located found property located in the downtown Eastsound area. The property was placed into safe keeping. No further action was required.

16-006192 Theft 17:13:30 08/20/16
Boater reported his crab pots were stolen off San Juan Island. Pots were recovered in the location he left them. It is believed that the current took the marker buoy down.

16-006209 Noise Complaint /not dogs 22:47:30 08/20/16
Lopez deputies responded to a noise complaint at a local business. Upon arrival the staff was in the process of closing doors and the music was being played at a reasonable volume. No further action was taken.

August 21, 2016
16-006224 Citizen Assist 11:25:28 08/21/16
A Lopez Island deputy assisted a couple from Hawaii in recovering their car keys which had been misplaced.

16-006227 Malicious Mischief 11:42:22 08/21/16
A Lopez Island man reported that his vehicle had been vandalized while parked at an island business. A report was taken, and the case remains under investigation.

16-006229 Theft 12:25:14 08/21/16
A Friday Harbor resident came to the Office to report the theft of his mountain bike from his yard, sometime between 2200 Saturday night and 0740 this morning. There are no suspects. The bike was entered in to the ‘stolen’ file. Deputies will watch for the bike.

August 22, 2016
16-006244 Found Property 10:01:10 08/22/16
A Lopez Island deputy was called to the Post Office after an unknown person deposited a full sharps container of medical waste in the outgoing mail depository. The sharps container was taken by the deputy for proper disposal.

16-006249 Traffic Hazard 12:42:51 08/22/16
A Lopez Island deputy received information that children had set up a fruit stand at the intersection of Mud Bay and Cousins Rd south, creating a traffic hazard. The children, with a parent, were contacted and asked to move to a safer location.

16-006250 Malicious Mischief 13:04:14 08/22/16
A Lopez Island deputy was called on a report of fresh graffiti on a Lopez Island commercial building. The graffiti was photographed and a report was taken.

16-006251 Traffic Hazard 15:11:55 08/22/16
Deputies were sent to a car blocking a commercial driveway in town. The owner could not be located and after waiting over an hour the car was impounded at 1630 and taken to Island Towing.

16-006253 Agency Assistance 15:47:06 08/22/16
Deputies responded to a juvenile problem on Orcas Island. After further investigation the incident was settled by contact. No further action taken at this time.

16-006259 Welfare Check 16:35:14 08/22/16
Lopez deputies were dispatched to conduct a welfare check on a female subject reportedly shouting about a medical emergency. The subject was located and determined not to be suffering any medical condition.

16-006270 Domestic Dispute or Assault 22:19:02 08/22/16
SJC Deputies responded to a reported assault in Eastsound. It was discovered that a male had violated a restraining order, entered a females residence and physically assaulted her. The male was later located, arrested and booked into jail.

August 23, 2016
16-006276 Domestic Dispute or Assault 07:46:37 08/23/16
A Deputy responded to a domestic in the area of Eagle Cove Rd. on San Juan Island. One of the parties was injured and, after a brief search, the suspect was arrested for assault and Interfering with Domestic Violence Reporting. Ongoing investigation.

16-006284 Animal at Large 12:32:48 08/23/16
Deputies responded to the animal shelter reference an Eastsound resident locating a dog at large. The dog was reunited with its owner. No further action was required.

16-006291 Traffic Violation 14:57:25 08/23/16
A Lopez Island deputy was called regarding a near collision between a bicyclist and a farm tractor that pulled out of a driveway into the cyclists path. The tractor operator was contacted and he acknowledged the bicycle was traveling faster than he expected. No enforcement action was taken.

16-006294 Theft 16:47:00 08/23/16
An Orcas Island man reported suspected theft activity that has been occurring on the island. Investigation continues.

16-006310 Traffic Stop 22:03:40 08/23/16
A SJC Sheriff Deputy stopped a vehicle for speeding. The driver did not have a driver’s license or insurance. The driver was not willing to move the vehicle to the area requested. The vehicle was impounded. Infractions were issued.