— from Janine Heimerich for Orcas Community Church —

With sub-freezing overnight temperatures in the forecast, the Orcas Island Severe Weather Shelter will be open this coming Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights (2/3 – 2/5). 

We are located in the basement of the Community Church. We open the doors at 7 p.m. and ask that guests check in by 9 p.m.  Of course, this doesn’t mean that we would turn away someone showing up after 9 p.m. — but if no one shows by about 10 p.m., our volunteers will lock up and go home.

We’ll have hot drinks and snacks available in the evenings, and a hot breakfast in the mornings.  Unfortunately, we do have to close up at 8 a.m., as the church has regular morning activities scheduled for that space.
If you are interested in volunteering at the shelter, please email me at: janine.heimerich@gmail.com

**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**